Suzanne Bowen
1 min readNov 16, 2018

💪🏋️‍♂️❤👣👀 That Sound We Make that Shows Something between Ecstatic Joy and Pain — Freddie

The movie “Bohemian Rhapsody” made me catch my breath a few times. At almost 60, ha! That is very difficult to do. You know, been there, done that.

Looking like Mercury is an easy thing with the right alterating aesthetics, but being able to perform like him is a freaking other thing!!!!! Rami Malek, who played Eliot Anderson on iRobot, rocked it. I wonder conversations he and Williams had back when?

Hmmm… what else? Watch the movie and tell me if you don’t hear “Mercury” make this tiny sound somewhere between joy and pain when he realized he hit upon some lyrical or music notational epiphany in song writing. I totally got that. I make the same sound when I create something I am really excited about, but I never let anyone hear me. Ha ha. It’s too personal.

See the flippin’ movie as Moss would say.

Suzanne Bowen

Love the lightness of being that results from sharing knowledge, running and trading hugs. My business? Suzahdi cosplay and classic leather jackets and vests!