Suzanne Bowen
4 min readOct 24, 2018

Just like bubble wrap and Coca Cola, Dr Who Online began as a suggestion, as possibility for one thing but actually has led to something spectacular. In this case, the suggestion for DWO was from THE Tom Baker, the 4th Dr Who, to Sebastian Brook, the founder of the now Dr Who Online which was originally named Dr Who Regenerative. Now, the platform has over 125,000 followers on the website, Twitter and Facebook. The goal of Dr Who Online is “For Fans, By Fans,” a bit like Cluecon’s “For Developers, By Developers!” Fandom is at the core.

(We must introduce Whovian Running Club and Discussing Who to Doctor Who Online guys!)

Watch Dr Who Online’s Sebastian and Suzahdi’s Suzanne talk about one of their favorite subjects … #DrWho #DoctorWho!

Sebastian Brook calls it “sheer dumb luck” to quote Professor McGonagall of Harry Potter … as to the great success the Dr Who Online is experiencing. But it feels so good to hear him talk about how popular Suzahdi’s version of the leather jacket (coat) that the 9th Doctor Who Chris Eccleston wears since Dr Who Online posted our store listing on their Twitter account. Hugs to the Dr Who Online team.

Now, the team at Dr Who Online is separate from the BBC, but they do work with them directly now and again. They are independent and have their own voice and are even able to mention sort of political statements. A little mention of Trump now and again, and what doesn’t get lots of attention when anyone mentions his name?

Dr Who Online’s Sebastian is delightfully appreciative of community. He admires the writing and tweets of a particular fan named Barry Aldridge. You can read his synapsis of his Dr Who viewing history and what it’s like to be autistic; follow him on Twitter at and on Youtube at He explains the negative and positive side of being an autistic fan, which is pretty cool.

From there, we discuss what makes the new Doctor Who a bit of a divisive topic. The reveal of the 13th Doctor was and is certainly a controversial topic!

Reading a small portion of negative comments from those resisting the change, Sebastien was only bolstered further to get behind, and support, our new, female Doctor.

Sebastian and I talked about all the cool crafts, videos, cosplay fashions, and tech available from entrepreneurs, startups and corporations who advertise on DWO. Me personally, I’m going to have TARDIS Cabinets of Eugene, Oregon (website: make one of their screen accurate Tardis pieces as soon, but mine (Suzanne Bowen) will be used as a Little Library that passers-by can give and take books. It won’t be as big as the one that is in front of the Creative Learning Academy in Pensacola, FL. Tardis Cabinets is a vendor listed on DWO, along with Suzahdi cosplay leather jackets and Crystal Carvings, a company that makes their version of the newest Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver.

Sebastien says the best social media platform for DWO is Twitter because of the quick talk back and forth among fans and his team. The poll feature is quite productive and fun, too. Even so, they have a presence on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Google Plus (rumored to disappear like MySpace), Youtube, and RSS. “Besides the occasional keyboard warrior,” Twitter is worthwhile.

What’s Sebastian’s answer to “What episodes infuriate you and why?” “Fear Her” (the second time this episode is mentioned in this video synapsis and article) is one. It is an episode in the modern series where David Tennant (lovable Dr Who) carries the Olympic torch. Sebastian also is not a fan of “Timelash” in the Classic Series. Watch the video to discover why on each? Do you agree with him? Sebastian also shares his favorite episodes which include the ones that include the Cybermen and also the one where Rose tried to go back in time to save her Dad.

So what about the man himself? Sebastian has always been into entertainment. As an only child, he loved acting and making people laugh. Eventually, he graduated from college and then drama school and realized that he had to figure out a way to support himself while going out for auditions. So in 2005, he started the Dr Who Online website. Companies like Suzahdi who also have lots of Dr Who fans asked him if they could advertise on the site, and it’s well worth it. One of the first companies to advertise was Millenium FX who made replicas of things like the Cybermen helmets and the sonic screwdrivers. Now, they are a popular supplier of prosthetics, animatronics, and special make-up FX for film, television, commercials, music promos, theatre, and corporate projects.

Be sure to watch the whole talk between Sebastien Brook and Elegant Group Inc’s Suzahdi cosplay leather jacket co-founder Suzanne and find out the opportunities available to Dr Who-related businesses, fans, artists, writers, and cosplayers such as advertising, and joining the DWO Twitter conversations and competitions! Check out Suzahdi’s 9th Dr Who Chris Eccleston style leather jacket and soon a denim jacket dedicated to Rose companion (Bad Wolf)!

Suzanne Bowen

Love the lightness of being that results from sharing knowledge, running and trading hugs. My business? Suzahdi cosplay and classic leather jackets and vests!